Thursday, February 12, 2009

A picture of freedom

After last night's consistent theme of people sharing insecurity or lack of freedom from something, I thought I would share this moment I had with Jesus the other day. As I tried to write in my journal and read my Bible, He instead asked me to rest and come away with him. He gave me a beautiful picture/prayer of what He meant by coming away with him, so here it is. I hope this resonates with you as much as it did with me:

"I would love to run in a field with you, Jesus. Barefoot, sunny, warm. Exploring, playing, laughing, twirling, looking at clouds together, climbing trees...soaking in everything you created, cuddling up to Your comfort, resting in Your goodness. Basking in Your glory, spinning around in Your creation, tasting Your creativity, listening to Your angels' sweet song. Being completely enveloped in Your perfect, unfailing love. You begin to show me the entirety of the wonder and beauty of being Your child...the white, pure, dazzling perfection You intended me to be. A beautiful white gown, Lord, blowing in Your wind. A graceful, silk veil held up with flowers in my hair--exotic, intoxicatingly fragrant flowers that send sensational tingles throughout my soul every time I breathe in.

It is all I can do to stay calm as I walk toward my groom, wrapped in the Presence of my King, my Father, the deepest connection to my inner being, my soul, my free and glorious spirit. I can't contain my excitement and tear across the field, veil flying off, flowers gently coming loose. I jump into your arms, Jesus, flowers breaking free from my hair and gently landing beside us, immediately springing up new ones. An explosion of color radiates across Your entire Kingdom. I'm HOME, Father! Wrapped in the arms of Christ, of MY Christ! My Savior!

Lord, can you take me to this place? I long for it with my inmost being. My spirit yearns for it, my heart craves it, my apathy invites it. Show me now, Jesus, how to be there, how to stay there. How do I trust you? Why do I fear? Your love is so perfect, Father. Your perfect love drives out ALL fear. Jesus, Father, Yeshua, my best friend...I want to receive Your love fully. Help me to receive it, embrace it, allow it to drive out my fear-driven doubts that plague my days.

I expect the day that there is no more fear, the day joy rings throughout all nations, throughout each individual's deepest part of their soul. I expect it fully and joyfully. I eagerly await that day, my King. Let this picture, let this Holy Presence, settle into my bones. May your words pierce me and Your creation leap in front of me to direct my focus on You and ward off all distraction. May I do every mundane action of each day, each week, with joy and passion. May I delight in serving You with these actions-for with You-nothing is mundane! You radiate nothing but deep, rich goodness throughout my soul. May it shine for all to see, every day, every hour, every conversation, every smile, every hug, every laugh. May your beautiful Presence entice those who don't know You. The greatest part is, God, all I have to do is watch- You will do it all through me. I expect it eagerly and faithfully."

May you move where the Spirit guides and may your face and your spirit never stop radiating joy.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, as I read this I feel as though I could have written it myself. Of course our experiences with the Lord are unique and personal, I must share that I too have had visions such as these, dancing in white gowns, being so taken back by the presence of such an increadible Father. A picture perfect scenery, time spent together in fields of flowers, when no words are necessary, and no words can describe- where all you can do is pray in pictures to express yourself and praise the Father. I found that lately I do pray in pictures, and the great thing is is that the Lord requires little words, only a pure heart. What a miraculous way to spend time with the Lord.
