Saturday, February 21, 2009

Draw us in Jesus

This is a result from a darkroom of two negatives from black and white film, one placed right on top of the other developed into an 8x10 photograph.

It makes me think of how complex God, our Father, is. There is so much to Him as He draws us inward to experience His glory. There are so many facets to His character. We will never fully understand or know everything there is to know until the day we see Him face to face, but there is something so interesting and intriguing about the knowledge of Jesus that keeps us coming back for more.

I pray that for each of us, just as this picture for me keeps me searching for new things to see, that we search for Jesus in our lives daily to discover and learn new things about Him through as many different venues as possible. Then, while being drawn to Him, we will see and can experience growth, truth, peace, and ultimately His glory in everything that surrounds us.

Thank you God for thoughts, words, creativity, nature, relationships (family, friends, and in-love ones, personal one with You), recreation and leisure, work, the church, a Savior, and anything and everything else that characterizes the life you have freely given us. Really, much thanks is being offered up...

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