Monday, February 9, 2009


“The Mind is its own place, it can make a heaven out of hell and a hell out of heaven”
John Milton

“So, as the Holy Spirit says:
"Today, if you hear his voice,
do not harden your hearts
as you did in the rebellion,
during the time of testing in the desert”
Hebrews 3:7-8

Time--to walk on water
Nicotine, Alcohol, Caffeine and Lust
one Hell of an anti-drug;
Frozen hands on splintering beams
clinging to what is good— and hating what is evil?

Evil; not within themselves,
but in the stead of water…so
alive and overflowing these cisterns
of brokenness, emptiness

…This deep yearning to be known
within a prison of the unknown
feeding off of what never has and never will be known
in light of what will soon be known--

The clamoring of this steadfast invasion, waiting
and unable to hear beyond the bewilderment,
beyond good and evil—and into an oblivion
of what has been, what is, and what will be

Parched throat and hands trembling,
in front of a throne that is closer than my pulse and
further away than the scattered stars above
too callous to understand what has
been given and continues to be given in spite of me

My storm calmer, my romancer, my shepherd…
his soft whisper, his harmony,
his beaconing--the man
with the holes in his wrists:
“I know you…and I love you. Just a few more steps friend …”

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