Friday, January 30, 2009

Chris' "Awful" poem...

I actually thought it was pretty good Chris! least what it's trying to say overall ha!

Light of the World

By: Chris Ragon

My friend you see I have to go

And leave you here this night

You know dear friend I love you so

But that won’t stop this fight

Our land you see is overrun

By evil known as sin

And when I show the world the way

Your life can then begin

It does not kill with sheer brute force

By burning down your town

It’s much too crafty for all that

It wants to steal your crown

My friend you see I have to go

And leave you here this night

You know dear friend I love you so

But that won’t stop this fight

While most accept this awful fate

By which they are consumed

At first it feels so right and good

But truly they are doomed

The darkness takes you from my light

To which you all are drawn

Without this light you will be lost

Then truly hope is gone

My friend you see I have to go

And leave you here this night

You know dear friend I love you so

But that won’t stop this fight

And with my light you all will fight

To show the world the way

There is no way that you can fail

It strengthens you this day

The light will use all that you have

To pierce right through the dark

For it will run away with fear

And gone its crimson mark

My friend you see I have to go

And leave you here this night

You know dear friend I love you so

But that won’t stop this fight

~Chris Ragon

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